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Compass Press
Compass Press is a department of Compass Bible Institute and furthers the Institute’s objective of preparing men and women for Christian ministry by providing ministerial, theological, and Christian training resources. Learn more at compasspress.com
Dr. John Goodrich Appointed Dean of Academics and Professor of Biblical Studies
Compass Bible Institute is excited to announce the appointment of Dr. John Goodrich as Dean of Academics and Professor of Biblical Studies. In addition to teaching courses, Dr. Goodrich will develop CBI’s institutional partnerships and oversee its academic programs. Dr.…
Intermediate Greek with Dr. Bill Mounce
Upon completion of this course, students should be able to: A. Read large portions of the biblical text in its original language. B. Interpret increasingly complex biblical Greek sentences. C. Apply fundamental exegetical principles D. Utilize important exegetical tools (e.g.,…
Apologetics with Detective J. Warner Wallace
Upon completion of this course, students should be able to: A. Explain the relationship between faith and reason and the significance of evidential apologetics for evangelism, discipleship, and the church’s witness. B. Defend crucial tenets of orthodox Christian doctrine from…
Preview Days
Join us to learn more about the many exciting things coming up at Compass Bible Institute, including a special $1,000 Gap Year Program scholarship opportunity* for students that attend a preview day! *Students who attend Preview Day, submit an application…
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